Hey Jock, Reality Check!

So you play a high school sport... well good for you. You're officially going no where in life if you think you can live off of your 40 yard dash time for the rest of your life. Tell me, when you got that sweet job cooking french fries, did they ask you how much you can bench press? How about what your career 3-point average is? Maybe they asked what your ERA is (no, not your GPA). I'm thinking nothing like that was ever brought up. That's because out here in the real world, no one gives a damn.

Prime example, there was this girl I knew that went to a neighboring high school. She played soccer and had all these friends and thought she was God's gift to the world. She was stuck up, wouldn't talk to anyone who wasn't in her "group," and thought that you were the scum of earth if you weren't physically fit and a supermodel. Where is she now? Well, she's not playing on the USA Olympic Soccer Team. She's working and trying to go to school... and she's lonely; because she made it through high school on the basis that popularity was everything... and playing sports brought that popularity.

Starting QB for a State Champion Football Team

Working for the Ohio Department of Transportation. Way to go, retard. You really made it big. All those touchdown passes you threw equaled jack-shit.







All Star 1st Baseman from My Old High School

Makes $5.75 an hour scooping dead mice out of a pool for a local pool store. Remember that time you hit the homerun to beat our rival school? Man, you were beloved. Girls wanted you, guys wanted to be you. And then you graduate, blow out your knee, and spend the rest of your life remembering the "good old days" as you hitch your house trailer up and move it every time the river comes up. You, are a real American loser.




I never played sports in high school, and I never ignored someone because they weren't as good looking as everyone else. And where am I now? Making more money than those other two... combined... working part time. Now who's laughing?




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